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  My Poetry From High School
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Acrostic- Wild

Haiku- Us
We shall go away
Away from here together
Forever, just us
  Limerick- My Monster
There is a monster under my bed
I do not think he has a head
At first it was rad
But now it is bad
For I think my monster is dead

Concrete Poem- RIP
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Free Lance- To Be Rich
Come here now and come here quick
For I have a secret to tell you of how to be rich
To be rich there are just a few things to remember
You must remember that none of this really matters
All of this world is just an illusion, nothing is real
But before I go on I must warn you
There is a sad part to being rich
Most people who are rich do not know what they had until they lost it all
Now I am not talking about the richness of money
I am talking about the richness of YOUR heart
The richness YOU receive from being nice to other people
The richness YOU get by not judging people
The richness YOU feel from helping someone in need
The richness YOU have by knowing that YOU are loved
That YOU are not alone in this world
By knowing that someone out there loves and cares about YOU

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Sonnet- Just a Girl
Not having her is what I fear
But all I can do is stare
For she is so fair but not here
And this I can not bear
If I could have it my way
The world would be more sane
If I could have her I would live everyday
There would be no such thing as rain
She is near but I am afraid
All I can give to her is me
And all I have made
Could this ever be
If she only some how knew
Them maybe my world wouldn't be so blue

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.